Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why do I always feel hungry and I have a stomache Virus I think (HELP)?

Well this started about a week ago.I used to eat normally about 2-3 times a day and I was okay but Now i could eat that much and still be hungry.! Now even sometimes after I eat i still feel hungry and its getting on my nerves.Also idk if I have diarreah but yesterday and today i used the bathroom 2 times and the day before yesterday arouund that time Im sure I had diarreah but poop was going outta my butt so fast but that was before now its better.But sometimes i feel like using the bathroom and then i go to the bathroom for like 20 min stand up and noticed i didnt poop anything.? Whats making me feel like this? Is it possible im always hungry because I poop alot and most of my food comes outta my stomache? And also my stomache has been hurting I havent vomitted at all but I think its because Im hungry.After I eat like 2 hrs later I poop it out.Its like i never ate anything.Today im going on an 11 hr roadtrip to Orlando at 12:00am is when i leave.I cant be in a car that long feeling like that.What if i have the same bathroom problem and we are on the road but theres no nearby gasstation? I will be doomed and i dont wanna use a store bathroom (my poop stinks).I need to feel better this has been going on for like a week or less.I havent been to a doc yet because i first wanted to see if it will go away.Any ideas ? Like what should I drink to make this feeling stop.I gotta admit i got better over the past days but i still feel bad and my stomache hurts a lil and im still hungry.! Btw im 12 yrs old like rlly short im under 5foot and i probaly weigh 80 sumthing or less for all i know becuz i lost weight probaly from having alot of food empty out my stomache.Sorry for spelling mistakes I can spell good but iM typing fast because I need anwsers fast before its to late. :] (so please help!)

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