Thursday, August 4, 2011

I have had 2 miscarriages in the last 2 that normal?

Im 18 (turning 19 this month) and have been with my boyfriend for quite a while. I found out i was pregnant just over a month and a half ago..we were both very shocked, but got happy when we was used to the idea :) But then a week after we found out, i miscarried. I was 5 weeks pregnant. We were both gutted and upset but we got through it together (even though its still raw). A couple of days ago, after a routine checkup at my doctors (where they took a urine sample) i found out i was pregnant again. It was again a shock, as we had always used protection! But then yesterday, i started bleeding really bad and it was confirmed that i was losing this baby aswell. I was around 4 weeks pregnant. Although they werent planned, its still cruel to take them away fro us. Will this affect the chances of me having children in the future? Is it very common to have 2 miscarriages in the space of 2months?? x

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