Thursday, August 4, 2011

When is it time to walk away?

So my husband and I have been together for 9 years and have 2 children. The last few years have been tuff on the both of us, lots of ups and downs, but we've managed. Recently I've strongly been considering throwing in the towel. We argue daily about little stupid things and also bigger more important issues. But the point is we argue every day! He says every time I talk to him I am attacking him, even when I approach the situation as carefully as possible. He has no compassion at all, he'll watch me crying literally begging him to show me more love, and he'll laugh and walk away. He has admitted to refusing to listen to me, he just doesn't care about what I have to say! I feel that we should shair our issues and concerns with each other, that openness is a Crucial necessity in any marriage, but unfortunately he does not agree. I feel hopeless at this point. I feel so empty, alone, and unheard that I could jump off a bridge (not literally) I just dint know what should be my next step. . .Should I continue trying to fix this on my own or should I just suck it up and flush the past 9 years down the toilet? Can I take anymore of this? I just dont know. . . . .A little help, please and thank you

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