Friday, August 12, 2011

How do you like my early 2011-2012 NBA Season Predictions?

Believable until you had the Lakers losing in 7 games. If you said they lose in 6 fine I believe that, but they don't lose in 7 hahaha they never lose game 7. Also the Heat won't win, James will never get his ring.

My fish's tail is damaged and it always floats to the top...?

Earlier this week, my sister's coworker moved and didn't want to take her 20 gallon fish tank with her, so I took it. There is an angelfish in there whose fins got tattered in the move, but it seems comfortable enough. The tank was pretty empty, so I moved my 7 danios into it. After a few days, the fish seem to be getting along just fine, but I've just noticed that one of the danio's tails is damaged, and it seems to involuntarily float upwards. It also tends to drift, still involuntarily, towards the filter, at which point it gets scared and rushes away to the bottom, and the cycle repeats. Eventually, it finds its way to the far corner and just sits there until something spooks it. A few things worry me- why is it floating? What can I do about it? I've put a small mesh thing in for raising fries that I got when one of the danios laid eggs (none of the males were mature enough to fertilize them, though) that it could swim into, but I didn't want to force it to stay in such a small space. I've also added lots of plants for cover, but it keeps floating, so it can't hide in them. Perhaps more importantly, why did this happen? Did its tail get torn because of the move? It isn't the smallest of the danios and it is only slightly smaller than the fish that were in the tank before. The angelfish is still only about three inches long. I thought it would be safe, but maybe it isn't? Should I move the danios back to their 10 gallon tank?

How much money should I save to study in Paris?

I have been debating lately whether I should attend university in Paris or New Zealand.I am leaning more towards Paris at the moment.My question is how much money should I try and save?Other than the university fees(a whopping 25k a year!)what will my other expenses?How much should I expect to pay for food,clothing and other everyday things?And I know housing expenses are incredibly expensive,but could I have a few estimates?Thanks!

Who is the creepy guy from drake and Josh!?

This has been bothering me for over a week in drake and Josh there was this one character who was drake's looked neighbor and he had a orange fro and glass. He had a really bizarre voice and in one episode Josh took his water bottle spit mouth was in it and gave it back to this guy.this guy than repeatively said why and later in the episode appears at drake and josh's house saying why.

I miss this guy very much and I don't know what to do.?

I told him that I like him yesterday, he took it very well I thought he was going o be mean about it or something, but the reason I told him was because he left this morning to mexico and might not come back. I miss him so much, I feel empty inside, I know that to him I am nothing, but to me he is everything. I cant text him because his phone won't work over there, what do I do?

Trouble installing JumpStart 1st Grade on Windows Vista?

Is there a way fro me to successfully install JumpStart 1st Grade on my Windows Vista? When I click the Setup it doesn't do anything, and I have tried running it in Windows 95 compatibility mode.

Please help me... i feel like dying?

i been to psychiatrist twice now, i told my doctor about the neighbor noise at night and i am only getting 4 hours of sleep everyday, i showed him the recorded videos and audio and he prescribed me with clonazepam 2mg and risperidone 2mg and my life changed after talking those pill i having very low mood, lost my appetite, sucidal feeling , easily get bored and depressed along with suicidal feeling, please tell me what to do now, i feel so empty and dont wanna live anymore and my next appointment to vist the doctor is on 5th of july should i tell him and i dont wanna take lexapro.

I need to lose weight!?

I'm 13, and I weigh a whopping 120 pounds, I'm only 5 foot 2, and at risk for being overweight. I want to know what kinds of foods I could eat to help weight loss. also what kinds of excersies are fun to do at home that can help weight loss and help tone my legs and stomach? I need to know! Please help!

How can I get super glue stains out of my dakine backpack?

sooo i just bought one of those mini dakine backpacks for a whole whopping $25 and decided to be stupid and put rhinestones on it with super glue. The problem is they keep falling off and whenever i reglue them it looks worse and worse and the glue seeps out from under it and it looks really trashy and bad and i already tried using nail polish remover and it didn't work sooo is there anything i can do or anywhere i can take it to get it out?

Could some one possibly answer a few questions about Harvard?

You can't get a 4.0 GPA if you've ever gotten a grade below an A, so it's too late for that. Frankly, if you're not studying or putting in effort, you're not cut out for a top school. Everyone applying to Harvard has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores, and they took fewer than 6% of applicants this year. You're competing against the top students in the world. You need far more than just fantastic grades and test scores, and you don't have anything that makes you stand out for a top school. You also didn't list any reason to go to one. Very few people will get anything out of a top school (besides bragging rights) that they wouldn't get out of a state school. What are you planning to get?

Why did gasoline TRIPLE soon as bush won a 2nd term?

It did not triple as soon as Bush won a second term. There were these little things called Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and they messed up refineries and pipelines for quite a while.

In multi core processors can we dedicate a core for doing specified jobs by the user?

in multi core processors can we use a core to do only the work given by the user not core by itself , which could share info fro diff cores too

When is the best day of the week to visit Six Flags Magic Mountain this summer?

I am planning to go this upcoming Tuesday, but I want to make sure if there will be large crowds or if the park will be nearly empty. I'm sure with the opening of Green Lantern it may be crowded, but I'm hoping for less waits and more rides.

Why is my Doctor Bill so High?

Medical tests are excruciatingly expensive. Since the tests were a condition of your employment, is there any chance that the cruise line would reimburse you? If not, then call the lab company and simply ask if there is any way they could give you some relief since you don't have insurance. If not, then they should at least be willing to let you pay over a period of time. It's really up to them. Good luck. And hope you got the job...sounds like you'll need it.

I need help forgetting about my ex plz help.?

ok well my ex boyfriend and i recently broke up (he's choice) im deeply in-love with him,we were together for a year and 3 months,we had broken up for a month not so long ago but he asked me back out bcuz he found out i was talking to someone else,its very hard for me to get over him and not think about him when he's been the only man in my life that has taken me serious and been with me through my hard times since my dad past away,he's 22 and im 20,he has daughter with another girl and that would be one big problem when he had to see her bcuz im a jealous girl,he had asked me to move in with him but i said i wasn't ready due to the fact i really wanted to fix all the problems we had,we used to work together but he recently transferred to another restaurant(before we broke up),now im really hurt bcuz i was so used to him,now he doesn't answer my calls,my txt...i just want to know he's okay bcuz i still love him...i don't want to forget about him by talking to another guy,if i were to be with him again i would do things differently i would trust him more,he has been a huge part of my life and now it feels like my life has no meaning(pretty dumb i know)but that's hows i feel,i miss him so much,i don't want to bug him so i just want to get away and not think about him,but its impossible when all i do is think about him.he was and is a great guy and a father,i have annappointmentt to talk to asurginge in a week he asked me to not stop talking to him and keep him updated with that but idon'tt think i should bcuz hehasn'tt even bothered to txt or call me at all,so why should i bother him with that,we had so many plans for our future together and now there all gone i feel like to him they were all empty promises..plz help me and tell me what i could do..

Is teh halo reach legendary edition worth it?

im not sure i have no use fro teh statue but im just wondering am i better off getting trhe limited edition

Ok is this mean what my friend has done ?

ok well when my chemistry teacher said that the person we are sitting next to are our partners . so i was sitting with my other friend (karina) but the mean one (mary) was sitting with the annoying kid in our class so she wanted to sit with me (weird because she always says i am annoying and stuff)so she tells karina to switch places with her or she will and this is what she said "whop karina's ***". so she was scared so obviously i tried to defend karina and said to mary that she said she always hated being with me and i was annoying so she started to cus me! we had not had good years together and she is greedy,spoiled,selfish,mean,and just an asshole. i have tried to tell her i don't want to be friends with her but she just still comes and bosses us around on what to do after school.ex. we all want to go to the mall but she wants to go to the movies

Whole Grains are Bad For you? I read this just today?

All grains are different, but the main thing in grains are fiber and the B-Vitamins. So essentially, all whole grains are are Empty Calories. You can get plenty of fiber and nutrients from other sources. I also read that eating whole grains is bad for your teeth, joints, can cause inflamation, it's bad for your gut, even though it's complex carbs it's still processed as sugar. So I just want your opinions on the matter

Infamous glitching two times in a row?

so I really like the game InFAMOUS, which i got for free fro the PSN welcome back deal. However, I am on the level in which you have to destroy the Toxic Balloons, but, every time i get close to starting to destroy the final balloon, the game freezes. The sound continues but my controller does nothing, and the screen is frozen. I can't go to the PS3 background, or go to the menu. Help?????

Can anyone tell me how much to feed my cat?

My cat is 2 and a half years old. She's mostly an indoor cat, but she goes outside two or three times a day. I know that its different for each cat, so I can't find my answer anywhere else. My mom feeds her twice a day with Purina One (Smartblend, salmon and tuna flavor). We give her a few treats a day. I would say she's not fat or skinny, but i often find her dish empty and she's always meowing for more food. 2 weeks ago she threw up once, and then yesterday she did it again. I'm pretty sure she's not sick, so i'm wondering if it has anything to do with her food. I'd guess she's 9-10 pounds, and shes a calico cat.

Buying IPhone 3GS 2nd hand question (PAYG)?

Hi Mike with the 3gs version of the i-phone second hand depending where you buy it from the avereage price goes from around �130 for a working 1 ! you get 1 cheaper if it has a fault ! if your in the uk i would look at a site called gumtree & the phones that are in your area you may find a good deal there .. hope this helps .. sly

Paypal question quick?

Didn't even know that was possible... rest assured, PayPal won't allow a payment to go through its system until the credit card goes through.

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Im a 17 year old guy, and I like a guy, what should I do. I cant tell him. Please help me out?

Before revealing your feelings to him, find out what are his feelings for you. Just a friendship or love. Ask him if he likes someone. He's your only friend, and he is nice to you, you could ruin that if you tell him you like him, not because he will like stop being your friend but things will get awkward and things for you will get worse. If he doesn't just keep your friendship with him, try to get over him

I am a "recovering" anorexic. I want to know how you can loose weight without my dietician knowing?

I got out of treatment at the beginning of June and I now weigh a whopping 98 pounds when I am 13 and only 5'3 (I used to weigh like 40 some pounds less)! I need to know how to loose some of the weight so I am at least 85 - 90 pounds without my dietician knowing or my parents. If they figure out I am going to have to go back to inpatient treatment and get a feeding tube! Please I need to loose some weight without ANYONE knowing. PLEASE HELP A FAT GIRL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Braces are coming off, but no retainer. What could happen?

It's finally prom/graduation season and my braces are coming off after a whopping (seemingly forever) three years! My scheduled appointment to remove the braces is this upcoming Tuesday. However, I never received the mold to create the retainer. When I asked my orthodontist why, he replied, "I want them to settle first, so we'll wait a bit" or something to that matter. Thing is, prom (and graduation) is the week after and the whole point of braces is for them not to settle! I don't know if he is waiting a week or something, but I'm worried. This guy has given me so many problems in the past and now that they're coming off, I feel like this is just another. What's the worst that could happen?

London to oxford coach- the cheap one?? details pls?

One operator of coaches over this route is The Oxford Tube. Other coaches may be cheaper but they are likely to run at a lower frequency. If you have a Travelcard or Freedom Pass, you might like to board the coach or alight at Hillingdon Underground Station so avoiding the more congested sections of the A40.

My Boyfriend is really controlling!? Please read I need help!?

So I don't wanna make thislong but idk what to do... Do you the he will become abusive? He contols everything. He says I can't hang with girls from my new school cuz he doesn't know them and I cannot hang with the one while were fighting or while he's at work but yet when I'm workn at night he's out with his friends til 3 in the morning? Then I can't go tanning that often nor go to the pool during the day attt all unless I'm with him he ripped my shorts and pants but denies it. But caught him test from stealing my whitestrips oh and I onlynhave one good guy friend now all the rest I never talk to anymore. He ruined my junior year in high school! I made him my life. And m 17 and he's 22 my parents hate him and will never accept him that's why they do not were together and if they did I would be kicked out.recently my brother threatened to tell them cuz he is seeing I'm bein controlled and my bf freaked out cuz he says it threatens his life andi can't talk to my brother andif I do he's don?. Also he says can't hang withnmy best friend fro. 8th gra anymore because she talked **** abiuthim and he hates her? But yet she was only tellin me thati dnt deserve thAt.... He always disrespects my family and says mydad is a piece of **** and that hurts me cuz I believe no man who respects you should says types of things especially about you own fam. My dad has every reason to hate him he got me pregnant when I was 13 andi had to have an abortion...we were separated for 3 years because he went to jail for 36 days and by law we weren't allowed to be together he thinks my dad was trying to ruin hislife?.? He's so rude idk what to do it's so hard I turn 18 in a couple months and it's gonna be so hard to face the reality to tell my parents and risk losing my fam over this piece of ****. Thanks for reading need all the advice I can?

How much have you spent on music on iTunes?

Apologies if this approach is regarded as a little bit off question nonetheless I recently needed to reveal this wonderful thing I learned. Apple inc is generating an overstock with the innovative ipad as well as offering away $100 itune gift card so that you can down load these kind of wonderful tunes! I recently was sent my apple ipad two as well as i-tunes gift card in the mail a couple nights ago.

What is the normal oil temperature of a series 60 detroit diesel?

I have a 2000 classic and the oil temperature goes above 200 even empty on straight line.It's a series 60 detroit diesel.

Is there any honest caterer in Chennai?

In one of the Hindu marriages recently attended by me, the caterer charged the party a whopping 3 lacs just because there is no clue as to how many actually took tiffin/meals. The actual charges could be only around 2 lacs! The party knows that the caterer has charged 35% more, but can't prove. The caterer's men numbering 30 and the marriage hall's staff numbering 20, who were not invited, also took the tiffin/meals at the cost of the marriage party. Is there any solution to this plundering? Knowledgeable and experienced friends may share their views.

Does this sound interesting? Would you read beyond this?

i guess and maybe he could go search for his family and get flashbacks that could be really bad so he doesn't want to find them but continues to see if his memories are wrong or they could be a good memory thats the same and when he finds them they're horible or they could be dead oO i know sad but interesting i think

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where's a good barber shop?

I recently moved to edinburg, tx and i'm started to grow a fro so I was wondering if there were and good, cheap barber shops in the area.

Christians, what does one do when they are " tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine"?

Many people take the Bible far too literally. They think it is the actual spoken word of God. I disagree with that. God speaks to our very souls but not with words. His spirit speaks to us with feelings. Some people call it a conscience. We get the feeling something is very right or maybe not so right this way. Sure our parents hopefully teach us right from wrong but even without actually knowing we still can feel one way or another. The Bible was written by men putting what God has taught them into words by use of parables and sermons. Not every story in the Bible is an actual event. Many are just lessons to be learned. Sometimes I believe those writers misunderstood what the feelings God gave them or they just put down their own beliefs and that is why there are many contradictions in the Bible. Translation from the original Hebrew or Latin also causes problems. The Bible is a guide only. If you really want to know what God wants you to do - listen to your heart, That is where he lives.

Will the liberals ever stop blaming Bush for Obama's failures?

Obama has been in office for nearly 3 years now, yet the liberals still won't stop blaming his failures on bush. Typical, that's all liberals can survive on, blaming others and lies. isn't amazing how fast Obama managed to add a whopping 14 TRILLION to our country's in less than one term. Job losses have reached an all-time high, gas has reached over $5 a gallon, home forclosures have reached an all-time high, and all the libs can do about is blame Bush.

Feeling trapped by my significant other. What to do?

My significant other and I were only dating for 4 months when we got pregnant (Yes I was on BC and used it properly but thats beside the point) He asked me to move in and we are slowly updating the house (Which is his, and was his grandparents before that). He has two dogs and Im really not a dog person but trying to like them anyway. He treats them like people letting them do pretty much whatever they want and it makes me mad he doesnt want my cat there but I have to deal with his dogs. Also he has 5 piece of crap cars that dont even all work and basically takes up all the garage so my car cant even get in there. AND he wants me to get rid of my mustang for an SUV. I feel like I have to ask him for permission when it comes to anything I want done with the house...and if it has anything to do with the dogs its his way or the highway. I grew up in a very clean clutter free house with nice things but only b/c we had only a few things that were nice and not a bunch of old smelly dog hair ridden stuff. I will admit he is agreeing to let me replace the 38 year old carpet with laminate floors....but big whop. I feel like a guest in the house that is supposed to be mine too. Some days are good and some are bad. But I dont feel like I have any control over my own life anymore. One day I will be fine and in love with him then the next I want to tell him if he wants everything his way him and his dogs can live in that filth he calls a house alone without his kid.

Is there anybody out there?

I feel as though my life is now gone and missing, leaving a cold empty shell. I feel that everyone around never liked my presence or enjoyed my company. I want to end my life but I'm also too scared to do it because I still want to live. Yet, I don't want to continue my life out of fear of certain people I meet on a daily basis. I want to end this dilemma Im having.

Iam having nokia 5233 mobile n problem vt its inbuilt memory plz plz help nobody is answering this...?

my nokia 5233 mobile is a new handset which i took it on 1st of jan of this year,it is having internal memory around 80MB but after rounding up the memory used for internal phone applications and msgs it should be around 50 to 55MB at the most but my mobile is showing memory left in KBs when i see the folders in phone manager they are empty but still the phone memory is bieng used for the purpose which i don't know.n decreasing memory further ,I Have visited nokia care for three times but they say may b u have virus ,as i use to browse net through uc browser on this mobile or may be the uc browser problem which iam not able to clear up the cookies or other waste information stored without bieng into consideration please send me the path to clear up the uc browser and mobile browser cache,cookies n free up the mobile memory,this problem come when i use net from my mobile n the nokia care service people always format my phone this makes its memory normal but again problem recurrs after certain period of time,i don't want to format my phone again n again n i also don't want to stop using net from my phone plz Plz help me,i have used many applications like cleaner ,active file,memory up,net q in,ram blower but thes application free a very less amount that is only 0.5 to 2MB only,this less amount of memory is making my phone slow even hang for few times plz help me

Bmw 316ti overheating?

put a new thremostat back in. did you back flush system (radiator and engine and heater) top get rid of the scale and hard water that is usually caked on? if not drain the system by switching the heater to hot and recurculate then drain all the water and jam the hose in the top and block off out lets till clear water shows then reconnect everything with a new thermostat and gaskets. dont forget anti freeze.

Please help me... i feel like dying?

I think i have depression, my daily mood so low, suicidal feelings, lost most of my appetite, talk less, feeling hope less and empty, i have very strong suicide feeling some of the days and my neighbors making noise every midnight and wont stop no matter what i do and i cant sleep. please help me out i don't wanna die but sometime i don't afraid to die, will i commit suicide any time soon, please answer my honestly...

Please Tell me-Am I Underweight?

i would say you are probably underweight if anything. im 5'2" and i weigh 10 pounds more than you.. i am considered underweight.

Sometimes dreams are realized, will you C/C please?

Just finished reading one of Billy Collin's poetry books. Very conversational, at least to my interpretation, in his style as is this. Great story with more meat underneath when one pauses. Not a fan of how you laid this out though and some grammar and punctuation edits are needed but that's your call. Enjoyed though.

Is it this silk purse out of the sow's ear of global warming denial due to duping?

She is a child who does not understand the recital she obviously has practiced with great diligence being exploited by her parents and a group of pathetic adults. The whole scene is sick on so many levels.

Who led the Lakers in the first 3-peat?

Obviously Shaq. Unquestioned leader of that team during that span. BUT, Shaq would not of won 3 championships if it wasn't for Kobe Bryant. & Vice versa.

I need help please !?

The volume of masons lunchbox is a whopping 300 cubic inches if its height is 10 in and its width is 3 in what is its length? and im only in 5th grade so please show your work and be real specific please thank ill pay !

Local co-op games on pc with xbox 360 controller fro windows?

would love to play some local co-op games with xbox 360 controller on my pc. Any games out there that can?

What is a good summer dessert?

My boyfriend's family invited me over for the 4th for lunch, so I don't want to go there empty handed of course. What is a good/fun summer desert I could make?

What appetite suppressants actually work?

I've had a serious problem with my weight for the last year. After grad school I ballooned up 40 pounds, and in the last 8 months have managed to take off a whopping 9 of them. I've tried it all: Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet, calorie restriction, tons of exercise. Nothing is helping. I've settled into a workout routine that I like, but without going crazy on all the specifics I just can't stop eating. And I mean stomach rumbles kind of hungry, not just emotional eating or eating out of boredom. I have a limit of 1600 cals a day based on the exercise I do and half the time my meals barely take the edge off. I eat nutritiously, low fat, good carb, fruits, veggies, no soda. I drink my full 2 liters of water a day. I've tried chewing gum, fiber supplements, you name it. The only thing left that I haven't tried is an appetite suppressant, but I don't want to waste my money on something else that won't work. Can anyone recommend one that actually does what it says, without costing an arm and a leg?

Drinking water on my period hurts my stomach? Why?

I tried to drink slower, and the water was not warm but not cold. I did drink on an empty stomach. Why does it bother my stomach??

Kindle account question?

i got a kindle on wednesday and i''ve subscribed to a blog that's turned out to be crap and i want to un-subscribe. I've gone to my account on amazon to unsubsribe but have found it empty. its not even registered the books i've brought already. How do I update my amazon account so it lists al the content so I can unsubscribe before the free 14 day trial is up.

Real racing 2 download help iPod touch 4g?

Real racing to is a bid DL file compared to most app store apps coming to a whopping 302mb round to 305mb my itouch has 650mb free memory but when I go to download the app it say not enough room try to delete some pictures or videos WTF I don't even have any vids on my touch pls help me

Where i can watch twilight movie fro online free?

you can stream or download from graboid or try if that dosent work then same site just different links.

On Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, I have problems with the slingshot.?

In the Deku Tree part, after you fall into the long pit, there's a place with another one of those things that shoot nuts that explode. There's a door and above it is a thing I'm supposed to shoot with a slingshot, but the slingshot is empty so I cannot pass. How do I get through?

Diesel fuel in gasoline tank?

as long as there is only minor amounts of either in the fuel/gas can it will not cause any problems at all. i do this all the time due to the fact i have several pieces of equipment that use diesel and several pieces of equipment that use gasoline. i just make sure there is only a small amount in the can when i get more from the station.

Isn't President Barack Obama a tactical genius by holding off on Immigration Reform until post-2012?

Every politician has to have tactics, and they have many advisers helping them plan all the right moves. BTW health care is much more important than immigration reform, the former affects every single resident, and our health and wellbeing should affect us more than immigration issues that affect mostly Hispanics only.

How to throw away unwanted deodorant and perfume?

i have a few deodorants and perfumes thats not completely empty but i dont want them anymore. im scared if i just throw them itll just explode in the garbage truck

Is this dangerous or not?

yes you can eat. I take ibuprophen all the time(i have a sciatica problem). If you tend to get nauseated when you take pills you should at least take them with something like milk. If you're like me(ibuprophen doesn't make my stomach sick) then don't worry, just don't take more than is recommended. good luck!!

Strange Hallway Incident at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.



My son has a lazy attitude!?

My son is 10 years old and questions everything, he doesn't listen and has a terribly lazy attitude, he is outside constantly playing football, he isn't lazy in that respect, he can't be bothered to try do his homework, can't be bothered to empty dishwasher, and even when playing for his footy team he doesn't try hard like he used to. I am worried about him as I don't think he can "think ahead" (consequences) and so punishing him by saying ur grounded if you do that etc he just does it, then complains about being grounded next day. If there is anyone who can help me please let me know. I am desperate, I know it is down to me but I need new tactics ect. Thanks all!

If slaves not allowed to marry how fro-americans survived till now ?

As I understand the situation there were quite a lot of young women captured as well and some slave owners were interested in breeding more slaves so did allow slaves to cohabit. Slaves formed families but at first slave owners would not allow them to get married in case they wished to sell one of them. That was a legal marriage but no doubt as the slave adopted christianity they would at least have church service but even then they were liable to be split up. .

Movie cover (like 80's or 90's) about a woman being strung up by her hands? kinda sexy?

i dont remember the title or anything, just the VHS movie cover. i think it involved something about a woman being kidnapped and held against her will. it was kind of sexual, and she may have been topless from the back? she is being strung up by both hands in some kind of empty room

Mancin article about contract?

a href=",,12306~2385642,00.html" rel="nofollow"…/a he said this about Italy "In Italy, the stadiums are empty and this makes me very sad." i'm still laughing cause i can imagine him saying that

Repubs and Dems: is it time to face these facts, too? (Part 2)?

Again, most of this is the work of private companies. Pointing this out makes you sound pretty liberal.

Whop do YOU think is the most beautiful girl or woman in the world?

it can be anyone a model and actress or someone you know personally :) who do you think is breath taking-ly gorgeous

Why is he doing this? I don’t understand...?

I have been dating this guy fro four weeks now. We live far apart so we talk on the phone and skype on days we can’t se each other...which is only once a week. We have talked about everything, have had some great heart-to-hearts, he told me I was beautiful and wonderful, and told me I was worth the drive. On days he knew we couldn’t talk in person he would leave me sweet voicemails or a simple text message saying hope you have a great day. Then last week a day went by that he didn’t call. I thought it was weird, but blew it off. The next day nothing so at the end of the day I texted him. He replied back, but only two times. I figured he was just busy so I blew it off again. Then two days went by before I finally texted him again. He replied only a couple of times then too. By this point I was getting a little worried. I knew he was the type of person to always want contact. The next day at about midnight he called me and told me why he hadn’t called the day before and so I stopped worrying about it. Then two days went by and nothing. I texted him finally on the third day and once again only two replies. I texted him the next day and asked him if we were going to hang this weekend and he said that he had to train for a thing he is in. This caught me totally off guard because when he left after the last time we hung out he was anxious to see me why is he doing this? What happened? I don’t understand?

Now that Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid has Declined to support Obama, are you?

Harry Reid has Officially backed Jon Huntsman fro President. Whether you like it or not, this is a Big Declaration of NO CONFIDENCE in Obama as a President beyond 2012. I am not the Energizer Bunny for Huntsman, since Perry or Cain have my Vote of Confidence. Janice Brewer, as far as candidates go, is the only one with Joe Arpaio Balls. PLEASE Run Mrs. Brewer.

Do you think that I'm fat.............?

Okay so I'm 13 and a half years old and I am five feet tall and one inch. I weigh a whopping one hundred pounds. I don't think I'm that fat but it sounds like a lot and I dont know................

What psychological condition is this?

my entire body feels numb at a certain point, I stop doing productive things in the middle of the day and just stare into empty space, internalized rage, boredom of even the most interesting things.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ten-tailed beast vs. Goku?

Please only answer if you've read/seen both Naruto and Dragonball. The ten tailed beast (juubi), the embodiment of all tailed beasts, versus Goku, who would win? Here are the rules: We are talking about adult Goku, who can transform into Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, and Super Saiyan 3. Goku cannot use kaio-ken, or Instant Transmission. Assuming that Ten-tails has the abilities of all tailed beasts, Ten-tails can control wind, make fireballs, use many water based attacks, mix earth and fire attacks, destroy mountains, and release chakra blasts. The battlefield is an empty planet, meaning Goku can go all-out without having to worry. So, who would win? (I will pick a best answe and give 10 pts to someone).

Can somebody try to help me understand why i feel this way?

this happened not to long ago, warning this is long. i have good qualities im nice, im funny, im great artist, heavy metal musician, football, baseball player, im strong, healthy, i have a way with training animals but i feel empty, not to long ago a ph disaster happened in my fish tank and 5 fish died and my dad called me lazy along with that he complained about the overgrown weeds and the fact i dont swim in the pool to often but im very busy all the time. and then he thinks i cant take care of the dog he's lhasa apso and he has eye, skin and ear problems he wont let me give him medicine the one thing hes a bad dog with. he also complains about my clothes and is always calling me lazy Its almost like he only cares about what he doesnt like about me usaully it doesnt bother me from him it does and its had me down for a long time and i need good answers

Strange Situation in Hallway at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.

How do i put ringtone on my ENV2 fro a SanDisk card?

The thing is i don't have text messaging so I need some how to download ring tones with out text messaging myself.

I need help understanding the negative caloric goal.?

If I eat 1400 calories a day, how many calories do I need to burn each day to lose weight? I've seen the 500 negative caloric balance, but do I really need to burn 2100 calories a day to lose 1 lb per week? My pedometer yesterday told me I burned a whole whopping 235 calories all day. According to a step chart, 100 calories = 2000 steps. For 2100 calories, that's 42000 steps daily which I'm having a hard time fathoming. So I'm hoping I am misunderstanding the formula, or that my pedometer is broken...otherwise I have an enormous challenge ahead of me. Please help me make sure I am understanding this correctly.

How to keep hair looking EXACTLY the same after a shower?

I have natural spanish curls but my hair fro's no matter what after its dry. Any products to somewhat freeze what it looks like after a shower?

Why do couponers buy some much of one item?

If the coupons end up giving you overage you use that to pay for the rest of your order. If by using coupons I can not only get an item for free but also get an extra .50 cents out of it then it will pay me to buy as many as possible to pay for the items I don't have coupons for.

How to get out of a lease?

I had signed up for a lease agreement in april of this year. for one year agreement till next april. My boyfriend has lost his job and I have been sick off and on so money is tight and we really cant afford to live there anymore paying $701 a month. We have talked to the property manager and the only way we can get out of our lease agreement is either Military orders, Move out, but still pay rent till someone can move in ( which we all know they would not work on finding someone till allot heir empty ones were full) or find someone to take over the apartment. We have been trying that. Posting it legally on facebook account and Craigslist. But does anyone know any other way to get out of it? We live in Florida and according the place they tell us that in Florida there is no termination fee. Which would be wonderful, So for now we are cutting corners the best we can. But...any help?

How long does it take to get from Ellenwood, Georgia to Dothan, Alabama ?

Im getting a package shipped fro there and im just trying to get an estimate to see when it will be here. Thanks friend.

Can anyone help me with this description?

The melancholy, swirling clouds of gray reflected the auora deserted grounds. There was no joy here. The smiles of playing children had long faded; the smiling faces were blown away in the howeling wind. One could not even imagine the upbeat music that used to play here, the sound of cheers at gaming victories, or the engines of mechanical rides hard at work. The only sound now was the screech of metal against metal, that the delapidated fence emmitted when hit with a whisp of wind. The chains of this fence where broken in many places, creating holes big enough for a small person to crawl though; not that any mother would allow her child anywhere near the red-orange rust that spread thoughout the links. Beyond the gate stood a merry go round. This ride looks like it had seen the worst of the years out of use. The horse's paint was chipped, showing the composite interior, while in most areas the hooves of the plastic animals had fallen of altogether. It was impossible to think that this place had ever been full of fun and freedom, impossible to stand in the rust-smelling dirt.

Brazilian Wax Question?

Just Tell her your not comfortable with her changing down there but if she really wants to then you guys can go to your local beauty supply store and buy wax and not only will it save money but you can do it for her and wax it to your liking so you both can be happy. My boyfriend does it all the time.

A squirrel found a robins nest in my yard today and destroyed two eggs. Will he come back for the remaining?

Leave it be. It IS likely the squirrel will be back, though. There IS something you can do, discourage the squirrel. You can TRY spreading plain ordinary dishwashing detergent on the tree limb leading to the nest that the squirrel will travel on. Anything greasy will work, like Crisco or lard. A friend of mine used vegetable oil and laundry soap to make a paste. The idea is to use something which will not hurt the tree but still will be something the squirrel will not likely walk through to get to the nest. Anything biodegradable would be good. The soap makes it taste bad. Ever seen a rat guard on the lines used to tie up a ship to a dock? Or the plastic collars used on dogs sometimes to keep them from chewing on an injury? You need something similar around the tree limb between the trunk and the nest. The collar needs to be about twice the height of the squirrel or it may be able to simply jump over. My neighbor did this on a tree in his yard with a nest. He got the collars on loan from a local vet, at no cost, provided he return them when no longer needed.

Will my hamster be harmed?

my hamster is on a high table in my play room and i found 2 earwigs i found them in this bin were i keep all her stuff her treats were sealed in there bags and her food was in a airtight container and nether were harmed(i empty them out and checked) but i have heard from other peoples questions that they can eat my hamster alive and lay eggs on her. is this true?will she be harmed?and how can i get rid of them? they do freak me out so nothing were i have to touch them please thanks for all your help

Am I a jerk for not wanting to talk to my mother?

No i done think you're a jerk. Its your decision whether you want to communicate or not. Although she is your mother, is she helping you or hindering you? It is you life after all.

Ok so I still got oily skin. can someone help me out on this question?

So I bought the neutrogena wave. And i still got oily skin and acne ;-( . I saw the comercial from the loreal 360 cleanser and i've seen the reviews on it on youtube. I was wondering if this may help my oily skin since it has a scrub thing. have anyone tried it out yet? It says that it kiils dead skin cells so i was wondering if it kills my acne too. Anyone with oily skin tried it on yet? Or can someone give me a face washed that has help you fro your oily skin and pimples?

Strange Situation in Hallway at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.

Is 1oz fat for an 18 year old male?

I'm afraid that you are morbidly obese I would talk to a doctor about your fatness because you could have serious health problems

Is it ok to move out of your parents House at 18 if you are still in high school?

I am living with my parents currently but i wish to move out. I will be turning 18 soon but I still have my last year of high school ahead of me. Is it permissible fro me to move out and live on my own if i am financially stable and independent.

How can I cope with this traumatic experience?

You sound like a great mom. Do you pray? If so, you can get down on your knees and tell all your problems and struggles to God. You'll see that He is your best counsellor. Trust me, we all have our struggles. I'm a single mom and taking care of my elderly parents. I often feel burnt out, but I have to keep going. I'm crying too right now actually due to the stress I'm going through. I feel for you and I'm sure your experience must've been very traumatic. However, you're blessed to have a healthy child; this is what you have to focus on. Remember that the past is gone and you only have the present and the future. Best of luck to you and God bless you too!

Who performed the best on the original Dream Team?

It really doesn't feel right to say this, but I'd give it to Barkley. He led the team in scoring and only missed one three pointer. One. He also averaged a couple assists and rebounds. With that consistency, Sir Charles hands down.

Basketball:What's the most points u got after logging back into Y/A?

I haven't been online since the morning, so when I Came back I recieved a whopping 66 points! When u guys layoff Y/A, what are the most points u guys come back to recieve?

Feeling trapped by my significant other. What to do?

My significant other and I were only dating for 4 months when we got pregnant (Yes I was on BC and used it properly but thats beside the point) He asked me to move in and we are slowly updating the house (Which is his, and was his grandparents before that). He has two dogs and Im really not a dog person but trying to like them anyway. He treats them like people letting them do pretty much whatever they want and it makes me mad he doesnt want my cat there but I have to deal with his dogs. Also he has 5 piece of crap cars that dont even all work and basically takes up all the garage so my car cant even get in there. AND he wants me to get rid of my mustang for an SUV. I feel like I have to ask him for permission when it comes to anything I want done with the house...and if it has anything to do with the dogs its his way or the highway. I grew up in a very clean clutter free house with nice things but only b/c we had only a few things that were nice and not a bunch of old smelly dog hair ridden stuff. I will admit he is agreeing to let me replace the 38 year old carpet with laminate floors....but big whop. I feel like a guest in the house that is supposed to be mine too. Some days are good and some are bad. But I dont feel like I have any control over my own life anymore. One day I will be fine and in love with him then the next I want to tell him if he wants everything his way him and his dogs can live in that filth he calls a house alone without his kid.

How to make him eat less?

Its a common myth that you can free feed (meaning leaving the food out all the time) all cats. The majority of cats can be free fed, but some can't. In that case, you will have to have meal times for all the cats, and the others will have to be on portions as well. Unfortunately that's the case when one over-eats. You can continue to give the non-problem cats as much as they want at meals (as long as they are a healthy weight), but you might need to limit the over-eaters portions. Consult your vet for quantities.

Whats the best way to get a ex girl friend back?

Im still in love with has been a can I get this girl of my dreams back...2 months of dating is not enough to to get to know each other right?...but fro me it was love at first site

Is Mac and Cheese in a can good?

I'm talking about the Chef Boyardee stuff. That you like empty in a pot and just stir? I have some but it looks nasty. D: I also have Kraft Mac but no milk.

What can I do to make my mosquito bites go away?

This weekend I went camping and came home with a whopping 53 mosquito bites. I also think I might be allergic to them because they become golf ball sized welts immediately! I need to get their unsightly appearance under control so that I can wear a bathing suit without frightening people!

Should I have been fired for playing this innocent prank?

I started working in a famous high street home ware store about five months ago. A colleague and I were bored one day, so we decided to put pictures of page 3 topless models in the empty display frames in the home furnishing department. The shop got complaints, but they didn't know who did it. However, they looked at CCTV footage of the stock room and saw me and my friend putting them in. It was only an innocent prank, but now we've both been fired. Do you think that's fair?

If this had happened to you what would you have done?

Why is this question in the "Royalty" section? Queen Elizabeth only has time to answer really important questions.

I had bladder surgery when I was little and...?

Now that I am older I pee over and over and over it never fills empty. The first time I go I go alot. Right after like 2 minutes after i go back and it's smaller like almost a tablespoon. and so on and so on like 4 times till I;'m fine. It acts up at nights mostly and right when I relax and go to sleep it gets that full filling. I also can't wake up ithout having to go. When I wake up I have to go bad. It's like the urge to go pee is always there. I made a doctors appointment but it's in a month. I'm trying to get some good advice on what might be wrong with me. Does anyone think I might have to have surgery again?

Whats wrong with her?

I was like that in a lot of ways. She is hiding something. She might have a personality disorder. I am not so sure though you should get her some help on the inside she is a mess, that I know from personal thoughts.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does my life suck or am I normal? ?

Omg a teen girl complaining about how fat she is even though she's clearly an anorexic wannabe.. What else is new?

How can you tell if a Taurus is BULLsh_tting (empty words) or really mean what they say? IT'S HARD WITH THEM?

Have you ever interacted with a bull, they are charming. How can you tell if they are sincere? help

Anyone here watched the original Dream Team play? Who would you give the team MVP to?

I wasn't born when the Dream Team played, but my guess would be that the MVP should be Michael Jordan. Stats don't tell the whole story, but Michael was the best statistically and he was probably the vocal leader of the team.

Why does my daughters bearded dragon have a dip in its back like right in front of his hind legs.?

The store we bought him from told us his growth was stunted. He's growing well and has shed multiple times since december. He was 5in. when we got him and he's a whopping 8 in. now. I'm wondering if the dent is why he wasn't growing properly. Any help would be much appreciated. We love our little beardie!

Am I a jerk for not wanting to talk to my mother?

Call her and say mom I am never talking to you again because "reasons go here" and until you change you aren't my mother and hang up the end never speak to her again

Mercedes "Check Engine" light came on:(. Help!?

Okay so not even 5 days ago, I picked up my Mercedes from the dealership here in Austin from getting it serviced and the bill came to be a whopping $1,200! I had to have the contact plate in the transmission replaced on my 2006 C230. It runs great & I no longer have any problems. So today I was driving & the "Check Engine" light came on out of no where! I didn't notice anything that was wrong with the way it has been driving, so what could it be!? What should I do, call the dealership & tell them about it. Or just let it go, cuz it might be something minor? Any advice here is greatly appreciated! Thank y'all so much!:)

Why won't my USB flash drive clear?

It's capacity is 8 GB. I deleted everything I had in there so it is now empty. But it says I only have 1 GB left and it should be 8 GB. help :(

*Natural*African American HAIR HELP!?

Well, I wash my hair every day, and my favorite shampoo/conditioner is Aussie stuff...but I also don't have the same hair type as you. Just experiment with washing it at different variations and stuff, eventually you'll figure it out. To grow your hair faster drink lots of water, try not to have a ton of caffeine or alcohol, maybe takes some vitamins in the morning. If you really don't want to wash your hair a lot, you can try getting that dry-shampoo stuff that they use on people in like, nursing homes and hospitals, who can't get in the shower to wash their hair. to keep my hair moisturized but not greasy usually I wash and condition it every day, or if it ever seems greasy occasionally I'll start to wash it every day but only condition every other day. Or there are leave-in conditioner products you can put in after washing or on their own to add vitamins and such to it.

Would replica weapons gain value over years?

I have recently began collecting replica weapons fro movies, games, and such and started to wonder if they would gain value over the years if they are taken care of. If it depends on the material, let's just say, for example, a surgical steel rapier from Pirates of the Carribean compared to a stainless steel katana used by Gin Ichimaru from Bleach?

Why don't people realize that celebrities who give to charity are not much better than,...?

Some people give to charity for tax reasons too, plus in the case of some celebrities it is a way of increasing their profile because it makes the news. This gives their career a boost as they are seen as good people by the public. If they have not made a film or a song for a while it is also good for reminding people that they are still there. So, I think they may have lots of reasons for giving money to charity.

The Best Cooling Pad for Gaming Laptop!?

I've actually had the Targus for about a year and half now and it runs great. For gaming especially I think it would be better than the Logitch and the Belkin.And just an fyi I've carried this thing around with my laptop for quite some time and it still works great.

I need help getting my hair like wiz khalifa?

can someone plz give me some tips on how to make my hair look like wiz khalifa wen it gets into a fro well itz in the process of growing some people told me damp it with water then but a little hair lotion then leave it dry out is self so i want to noe is tht the rite way yes or or if anyone else have a diffrent way plz tell me cuz i want my hair to look like wiz khalifa plz and thank you

Is The Middle Class Being Wiped Out??

Yes....but not if you`re cool.... a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

HELP please anyone? We have baby fish and not sure what to feed them on...?

this may sound stupid but our shibumpkin (sorry about spelling) was making loads of eggs. We put them in a seperate tank and after 6 days they'd just gone fungusy. So we took the plants out and washed the eggs off to put back in the big tank with all the fish. We went to empty the water and put the tank to one side and we noticed about 30 to 40 baby fish but they were sucking the side of the tank... Like our loaches do in the tank with the shibumpkin. I did rescue a few clumps off stringy stuff but we think in the end they were just poo. Question is is have we managed to cross breed a shibumpkin and loach? Just it seems strange our shibumpkin was making eggs and now this has happened. If so what do we feed them on? Or are they just baby loaches in which case how do we sort out a filter? The filter that we have to fit the tank would be too powerful but the new size down we have which we used to use just for the snails sucks stuff in. (the snails were big enough not to be sucked in) Thanks loads in advance.

Why is this hurting so much?

one thing is you feel what you feel and can't change that and you have to just try to look somewhere else for some sort of happiness and I'm not sure if he was leading you on because alot of ppl smile n too look into your eyes because they are friendly. You can't do much but wait it out or move on

Why do I always feel hungry and I have a stomache Virus I think (HELP)?

Well this started about a week ago.I used to eat normally about 2-3 times a day and I was okay but Now i could eat that much and still be hungry.! Now even sometimes after I eat i still feel hungry and its getting on my nerves.Also idk if I have diarreah but yesterday and today i used the bathroom 2 times and the day before yesterday arouund that time Im sure I had diarreah but poop was going outta my butt so fast but that was before now its better.But sometimes i feel like using the bathroom and then i go to the bathroom for like 20 min stand up and noticed i didnt poop anything.? Whats making me feel like this? Is it possible im always hungry because I poop alot and most of my food comes outta my stomache? And also my stomache has been hurting I havent vomitted at all but I think its because Im hungry.After I eat like 2 hrs later I poop it out.Its like i never ate anything.Today im going on an 11 hr roadtrip to Orlando at 12:00am is when i leave.I cant be in a car that long feeling like that.What if i have the same bathroom problem and we are on the road but theres no nearby gasstation? I will be doomed and i dont wanna use a store bathroom (my poop stinks).I need to feel better this has been going on for like a week or less.I havent been to a doc yet because i first wanted to see if it will go away.Any ideas ? Like what should I drink to make this feeling stop.I gotta admit i got better over the past days but i still feel bad and my stomache hurts a lil and im still hungry.! Btw im 12 yrs old like rlly short im under 5foot and i probaly weigh 80 sumthing or less for all i know becuz i lost weight probaly from having alot of food empty out my stomache.Sorry for spelling mistakes I can spell good but iM typing fast because I need anwsers fast before its to late. :] (so please help!)

Samsung Galaxy S Or Nokia N8 Or SE Xperia n10i?

i have the n8 and love it. Im with 3 tho, same cap, but i advise u to add more data, 200mb is nothing with these phones. How the map thing works is true, once u download a map its saved in ur phone, but like i said, up ur data coz maps eat alot of mb up. I actually prefer using google maps, but each to their own. The camera is fantastic, thats the main reason i got mine, but overall its the best phone ive ever used in every way. Just my 2 cents lol...

My 2002 nissan altima 2.5s does not go into reverse...?

While i was on the high way my car turned off. I checked the trans oil and motor oil but it was empty, however the interesting part was that about 3 weeks ago both tanks were fine. Why is it soaking up the oil so quickly? My car locks back and it only runs well if i continue to refill the trans tank. Then that same day it didn't want to hit reverse. What is happening to my car :(? help!

My boyfriend is neglecting me and i'm hurt............?

He's not into. Stop chasing him, go and live life and be grateful he's not sucking up any of your mental energy any more.

1999 Vortec V6 with vibration issues?

I have a 4.3L v6 from a 1999 GMC in my Toyota pickup. I slipped into a deep spot in crossing a stream and the engine hydro locked. I emptied the cylinders of water and started the engine a day later. It fired up and as it settles close to at 400-500 rpms, the engine shakes very badly. Not a simple vibration these engines are known for, but enough to shake the whole truck. Give it gas to about 600-700 rpms and the vibration is gone. Anything above that and the engine runs fine. Any ideas on what might have been damaged? I know engines are usually severely damaged by hydro locking, but I'm curious since this engine will start and run fine so long as it isn't left to idle so low.

How can i change my husband?

He loves to make messes...ill buy some organizal the way home I'm looking forward to going out the the "norm" putting them together...but as soon as we get home he ripps the box open empties out the contents puts said unit together..with his interestst in mind and screws off...leaving a big mess and a half assed project for me to deal with...every frickin time!! dosent matter what it is..he will bring the groceries in put the meat away and say "meh" to anything else..he dosent work..I do everything with the kids and the house..our yard is full of his "projects"...he'll dissapear for hours to do soemthing that takes a half an hour...he's a terrible husband and a "alright" father..will he ever change?

Motorcycle sizes help please?

I am new to motorcycles and am wondering what size bike (specifically Harley Davidson) would be suitable for someone my size. I am 6'3" and weigh approx 340lbs. I'm looking to pick up a used bike because it'll be cheaper. The power of the bike doesn't concern me. A lot of advice I'm seeing states that new riders should start with a smaller bike. I don't want something that is going to be super uncomfortable or a bike that is waaaay to small for someone my size. Nor do I want a bike that will reach a top speed of a whopping 30mph trying desperately to haul 340lbs! I was thinking about the 1200 custom or the fat bob. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Talk about shooting your self on the foot?

I can't believe there aren't more Conservatives here complaining about the ridiculous amount of taxes he pays....I'm shocked.

How do I cope with the loss of my fiance?

I am 2 years old and was engaged to the most beautiful perfect man. We dated all through high school. He was my high school sweetheart. But he was 2 years older then me. So we continued to date after he graduated. But, a year after he graduated he joined the marines. And...died. It's only been a few months and I don't know what to do. He proposed to me 3 weeks before he died. We we're supposed to be forever. We already acted like a married couple. I was pregnant with his child when I was 17 but lost the baby, so we were planning on having another one later when he discharged cause he really wanted to start a family with me. How do I get better? I see him everywhere, in my dreams. I'm so withdrawn. I can't breathe. Everything that was once so simple like eating, sleeping, breathing, bathing are now a chore for me. I feel like my heart has died too. My family and friends are worried about me, I can tell when they see me. I have shut down completely. I can't take it. Life is so worthless without him. And I've tried my best to be happy. But I don't want to be happy without him. I want him here, happy with me. He always smiled when I couldn't. Always made me laugh when everything was too much. He kissed me and I felt those fireworks. Everything just clicked in place with me and him. I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want anyone else. He was the one, so now I'm terrified of my future. So much love gone...forever. It's even impossible to listen to music, without breaking down whenever a song he used to like comes on. I took time off from college to grieve and I've been going to counseling but it hurts so bad!!! I go to bed crying every night, and when I'm not crying I feel empty and dead inside. I'm afraid to sleep cause I dream about him. I hate being awake cause he's always on my mind and what could've been. I'm so young, so this is impacting me ten times more I know...but...I will never love someone as much as I loved him. He was my first love and I loved only him for so many years. A week or two ago my best friend thought I was okay with trying to date again, though I said I wasn't, but did it anyway to make her happy. I went out with him and when he kissed me half way through the date I broke down. Right in front of him. Because he didn't taste like my fiance did. Didn't smell like him. When his hands touched me I felt sick. My dates eyes were blue and my fiances eyes were a deep brown. Nothing about my date was like my fiance and I felt sick. My date was a super sweet man but...I just can't. What do I have to do in order to get better? Or at least get free from feeling like I want to shoot my brains out? Time I know helps but it's been nearly a year. How much time does it take to heal? I feel like I'm going to be always broken and always in love with him.... Advice.

Craig mp4 player isnt charging?

got a new craig mp4 player and i do not believe that it is charging. it will turn on, but the battery remains empty after many hours of being plugged in. am i doing something wrong?

A website that says Filipinos are prideful? whatcha say?

Agreeing with the article because the first adjective that pops in my head when talking about Manila guys is SHALLOW.

Why is there to be a famine of the Word, (final Q)?

Famine is here because people live in poor countries with corrupt governments that do not allow them to have the food they are sent. Many help and relief agencies around the world send them food, and their government steals it. Get rid of the corruption, and the people will be able to eat, and be able to grow their own food with out it being stolen from them.

Rich Get Richer but WHERE are the JOBS?

The best thing to do is to stop supporting "free trade" and the wars. If we continue to do things that take trillions out of the U.S. economy there won't be much money left for us serfs.

I have a sprained finger what do I do?

My ring finger on my left hand is sprained. It's the middle knuckle that is sprained. I was playing keeper fro my high school soccer team two months ago. And in a game it bent side ways I guess. It's fine moving it front and back, but when I put pressure on the side, that is when I feel the pain. I have tried icing it and resting and that hasn't helped. I have also tried "buddy taping" it, and that hasn't helped either. Does anyone have any other suggestions about what I can do, without going to the doctor? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks guys for any answers.

How much weight can I lose?

I am currently 5 foot 9 inches weighing in at a whopping 279 pounds (thats with jeans on, its more like 274) If I do P90X twice (totaling 6 months) and Eat a well balanced meal. How much can i lose in those 6 months?

Anime lovers Do We all have this in common?

Okay if you love watching anime we all must have this in common when a series ends and i mean the last episode aired all is resolved and such. I was wondering do you all get that sad empty feeling on the inside like a piece of you is gone.

Does having a lot of media on my phone slow down it's performance?

The Atrix 4G uses a dedicated 1GB RAM to run applications, not storage space. This is located separately from the internal 16GB storage and separate from any added SD card. You can completely fill up either to the max and it will not have any effect on the performance of your device.

What are good hairstyles for teenagers with afro textured hair?

I want to know new hairstyles, some of the hairstyles for afro hair texture are the fro hawk, french braids and some of the hairstyles Willow Smith wears, although i know her natural hairstyles are probably not her real hair. I like hairstyles Willow Smith wears but obviously a boy version.

Is it wrong to hate rich people?

say one day you win like a million dollors. become very will u feel? do u hate rich people or just snobby ones? no one likes snobby people. dont think of the stereotype. bill gates for example is one of the richest men in the world. yet, he donates his money to funds that help people. donald trump on the other hand....

I just got 3 shots on my arm..?

they were the whopping cough shot, or the tdap or whatever the chicken pox and polio.. and now i feel sick im cold my arm hurts and im weak and dizzy, is this normal? & if so how long does it last?

Hair trouble.. Can you help?

Hey there.. My name is Jacey I am 15. My hair style is getting really old I'm looking for something different.. But my hair is soo difficult to do anything to it. My hair is a combination of curly/frizzy/extremely thick. If I leave it curly it frizzes if I don't put tons of gel and hairspray In it and it takes like 2 hours to straighten it. My friends say I should get "swoopy" bangs.. But I'm across if I do that my hair will fro. Helllppp.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why do people seem to forget their brains when they get in their car/truck?

Oh my gosh I feel your pain. These same idiots reply when I told them to their face: "Don't be in such a hurry. Enjoy the view." I was like....really? Enjoy the stop light when I could turn right on red? No thanks. I would rather get to where I am going so I can contribute to society rather than piss people off.

When will my package be here?

So i ordered a video game for my cousin on amazon back on the 15th. I'm leaving fro their house the 22nd. I tracked the shipment and it said that it was shipped on the 16th and arrived in wisconsin and departed from wisconsin on the 17th. I live in new hamshire and I need it by the 22nd. It is being shipped by united states postal service and it is standard shipping. It says the estimated arrival date is the 23rd... do you think the estimated delivery time could be wrong? because i need it before then.. thanks

Help me not be shy please? :3?

okay so i fancy this guy with a passion :3 we've been going to the same college for a year nearly now but we haven't talked once. we get the same bus stop as well, but i'm too shy to say anything to him and i think he's tried with like sitting next to me and stuff, i see him around college and we just hold eye contact usually i'm shy and looks away, gosh it's so intense. today fro example i think he smiled but i looked away too quick to know for definite. i just know theres something, my instincts are always spot on. also he kinda reminds me of myself so i don;t know if that's some form of attraction. i just want him to say something, i'm too reserved. i don;t know what to do, cause although i've been asked out by people i have always said no and i'm 17 by the way. i'm worried i'll never even go on a date! ):he just seems mysterious and i'e never even had a crush before it's just him i can't make it out, please just tell em what to do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Do you think Twilight encourages depression?

I agree with you. Bella rejects all the ppl trying to be friends with her yet they still keep coming. In real life, no one would be your friend if you did that.

What are the opinions of American girls regarding English boys?

What do they think of English boys? and also where in USA do these opinions come from? do they differ when going fro north to south to east to west? Thanks everyone.

Questions about Islamic Prayer??

Muslims show the world about all their fuss about male-female segregation yet on a quiet a muslim female goes with all the boys.

UPVC blinds / curtains for conservatory?

I want to keep blinds fro my conservatory. Perfect fit once are costing around 1500 pounds. Any budget efficient way to do it with out drilling nails.

Scan tomorrow to check if Sac is still empty or ive got a baby - Your thoughts?

i had a similar problem. they thought i was going to miscarry because all they saw was a sac and nothing else, but i was dated farther along then i was. turns out i was a little over a week behind what they said, so everything turned out fine for us. i hope you have the same luck as i did. dating pregnancy isnt an exact science since so many women conceive at different times. last menstrual period is just a basic, general dating usually. good luck at your scan, and hope you see something!

Help me gain weight fast and lose it fast too?

i am a serious dancer, but my dance coaches have stopped me dancing because i am too thin. i am 5 foot 6 and a half and weigh about 7 and a half stone at the moment ( i have gained about 4 lbs reacently - but dont know if thats mass or actual weight ..) but i am only allowed to dance again when i weigh a whopping 8 stone!! how can i quickly gain half a stone.. be able to prove to them i weigh 8 stone.. and then just as quickly lose the weight so i get back down to 7 stone 11. i think this is a good weight for me and would be happy at 7,11. but i need to be 8 before i can dance. thankss

Why has New York legalized gay marriage?

If they really cared about gays wouldn't the state pay for psychiatric care fro gays instead? They obviously suffer from some sort of mental disorder.

How to improve appearance of my scars?

Well many years ago i got into an accident and 10% of my body got burned with hot water i have most 2nd degree burns today i have the scars still fro my accident i visited a burn specialist for surgery but he said surgery is very risky and i might end up with the scars looking worse if i have any work done...broke my heart... i dont wear anything that would show my scars because i am embarrassed people will stare i wanted to know is there any type of creams or minor surgical procedures i can do to improve the appearance of my scars?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

MEN ONLY PLEASE! Boyfriend stopped talking to me as much?

somethings dying in your realtionship. you need to fix that fast or you have 5 months before he dumps you. it happened to me

Can I empty ERDNT cache?

When I go to Windows>ERDNT>Cache, can I delete everything inside the cache without causing any problems, or no?

Hyper urination before sex?

I'm 17 and have been having sex with my girlfriend for about a year now. Every time we are making out prior to sex, I have to pee like 2 or three times. I feel like every time its practically a full bladder of urine, so its not like i get a hyperactive bladder- more like a hyperactive urinary system. Its a hassle to refrain from consuming liquid fro several hours beforehand, and it sucks to have to constantly get up and pee while we're going at it. If I ignore it, its uncomfortable and she can tell I'm not really enjoying it. Addtitionally, I dont have to pee when im horny, just when we're naked. I thought at first it was just because I was nervous, but now that I'm really comfortable I'm thinking its something else. What should I do??? Why does this happen??? I don't want to hear "go see a doctor"... any good guesses?

Why can no one be happy i've met my love in a turkish waiter?

I'm a 45yr old fmale. all my life i've been dissapointed in love. However, i think at the grand old age of 45, i've met the love of my life on holidays abroad. Hes a romantic turkish waiter and we have been corresponding tow an fro since i returned home from my holidays. He says he loves me. He dont speak much english but the language of love is universal. However, no one can be happy for me. I'm a woman of substantial means, but money isnt making me happy without a man to make happy. So i've been financially helping this guy out but hes not been asking me. The thing is hes got a kid in Turkey and lives with his partner, but they are 'not lovers'. He is now coming on a holiday to me next week - I sent him a ticket. hes 27yrs old and hes so romantic. I cannot wait. why can noone be happy

Lawyers, Police, people good in defending in general...?

Go to your local police station and ask to file a police report on such and such for treatining and intimidating and you would like to get a restraining order on them.

How can I get my phone to work?

I have an lg en v3. A month ago i was driving and my water bottle emptied out into my bag and my phone got water damaged. I soaked it in a bag a rice and about a week later it fully came back to life except that it doens't ring wen someone texts/calls me. Now my phone randomly turned off (it was on a full charge) and wen I try to turn it back on it just shows the verizon wireless logo and the screen flashes white every couple of seconds. Is there anyway to fix my phone without having to go to the verizon store? I had a back up phone sent to me a month ago but the issue was that half of my stuff was saved to my phone and some of it was really important.

So I was told I'd be charged $1.25 to join this site free for life and instead got charged $49.97?

I was told I'd get a free lifetime membership with only a $1.25 processing fee to Kara'sxxx and instead got charged a whopping $49.97. I tried emailing customer service but they didn't get back to me. There was NOTHING in the fine print about being charged this. I put a complaint in to the better business bureau and internet scam site. What else can I do? How can I make them give me my money back? I canceled immediately btw once I saw I had been charged way more than told.

List of freshwater tropical fish?

I have an empty 10 gallon, 20 gallon, and 40 gallon tank. Could someone create a list of cool to look at but not to hard to find or expensive freshwater fish that could be in these tanks. And does anyone know some plants I could put in there too? Thanks

Does masturbating too much drain your energy?

For once I thought I finally found the one thing that you can do a lot of, that's AWESOME, without any negative after effects. But I think I might be wrong on that, because it may explain why exercise is still so hard for me and I don't have much energy for many things. Is it true that it really drains you of energy and that explains the great feeling you get from it? Because it drains it all at once and you feel so satisfied afterwards? Many people say that masturbating too much isn't a bad thing at all.. but I think they only think about it from one angle.. such as whether or not your sperm levels will permenently empty, or if your penis becomes useless.. all of those I know about, which obviously don't happen.. but have they thought about it from the perspective of how it makes you feel afterwards? I'm beginning to think that masturbation is like fast food. REALLY great when you're having it, but the punishments are fierce. Is that true?

How can ANYONE support Obama at this point?

It is nice to have someone in charge who is competent. We need someone competent to dig us out of the hoe the last guy put us in.

Why wont a login bar show up on internet explorer?

Im trying to get to the "account recovery" page on runescape but the bar that you put the information in isn't showing up. its just a empty outlined box with an "x" in the top left corner. Please help

Is it normal for an SD Card to increase in size?

I bought a 32 GB "Memory Stick Pro Duo" for my Sony PSP. In actuality, it was simply an adaptor for 2 MicroSD cards. Strangely, one MicroSD Card is in a dead state, and the other went from 16 GB to a whopping 29 GB. Is it even remotely normal for such a thing to happen?

I'm 16 and unhappy with my weight (can you help me)?

Don't skip meals. Eat a large breakfast, a lunch of fruits, and a small dinner. Don't eat any snacks, and if you get hungry eat fruits. Exercise and burn at least 250 calories a day. DDR helps alot. Don't eat anything after 6:30.

Where is the better deal?

My husband and I are in a huge delima. We are currently living in a $800 a month nice size, one bedroom apartment. Unfortunately, we are down to one car. I have to wake up at 4:30am M-F to take my husband to his job (the drive is very long). Then, I have to take myself to work hours later in a completely different city. I pump gas about 2-3 times a week because of the long commute. The other day, we saw a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment closer to his job that is $1,350 a month (a $550 difference). IShould we stay where we are currently living and pay a cheap only 800 a month with a crazy commute, or move closer to his job but pay a whopping 550 more a month?

Am i leaking amneotic fluid?

im 37 weeks pregnant on tuesday. I just emptied my bladder, sat down for a few minutes and sneezed, and fluid came out. It was clear and had no scent to it. As the lateness of the hour calling my doc isnt an option. Should I wait and see if it continues or just go to the hospital? Oh yea and my Braxton hicks, tummy tightness has become uncomfortable, not painful, but I have a high pain tolerance. And none of the women in my family have ever recalled feeling labor pain until it was time to push. The tummy tightness is sparadic but lasts up to 45 seconds. so yea, tummy tightness and possible leak. what do i do at midnight on a saturday evening?

Need help in writing essay on "twitter mania"?

I have an assignment to write an essay on "twitter mania" but the deadline is nearby and its got to be whopping 1000 words long. I really need help regarding the contents

I feel ignored,neglected and i'm hurt...........?

You seem to be very naive and maybe insecure. I'm not trying to bring you down or call names but you've been with this guy for 5 months and as much as you like him it seems that its obvious its not working. If he can't be responsible enough to pay his bills, I think that shows he's definitely not a guy that has alot going for him nor does it seem he's on the right track right now so wanting a serious relationship with him is probably not going to happen. I hope everything works out to where you become happy and realize that every relationship will not owrk and you have to move on until you find a guy that will make you happy.

If we assume that the earth rotates round the sun, why is geocentric math used to calculate air travel?

Why is air travel time same to and fro; except for a minor difference due to tail winds? Please do not give silly answers like throwing a ball up in a moving bus and catching the same. Try throwing the ball 50 meter higher above the roof in a speedy bus.

Air Force - Can the PT jacket be left unzipped when worn?

Provided that I'm by myself and not a part of an organized PT in a unit, am I allowed to wear the PT jacket unzipped? I looked at AFI 36-2903 and it clearly stated that it can be zipped or unzipped when worn, but it was dated 2006, which was a whopping 5 years ago. A lot can change to regulations in 5 years, so I was wondering if anyone knows for sure what the rule is. Even better if you can show me where to find the official, up-to-date documentation that says so.

Where do the coronary viens empty into?

So, I believe that you are referring to the coronary sinus, which is an enlarged vein, or more specifically, a collection of veins that join to form a large vessel. It is located on the posterior surface of the heart and empties into the right atrium.

What is the normal oil temperature of a series 60 detroit diesel?

I have a 2000 classic and the oil temperature goes above 200 even empty on straight line.It's a series 60 detroit diesel.

Why does this hurt so much?

Falling for someone that you've not had a relationship with means you've fallen in love with the "idea" or "potential" of being with him. You have to respect that he has his own demons that he's dealing with and ideally God would ask that you pray for him and that he works out whatever it is that plagues him. Realize that your future and relationships are not yours to control, instead ask God to help you focus on putting your relationship with God first and ACCEPTING whatever it is that God has planned for you. Realize your role may have been just to inspire this person to overcome their fears, not necessarily to be his girlfriend. You can't FIX anyone and you'll sacrifice yourself and your beliefs if you become co-dependent on his actions/feelings. Realize you have all you need right here right now and stop seeking more fulfillment, especially from another person. When you find the right person you won't be agonizing for them to return feelings because they will be strong in their convictions and strong in their self confidence and who they are.

I hit my mom yesterday...and now i feel guilty....?

When I got up for school, I was complaining because i felt sick, and my mama never believes me..sooo I always get P-oed. But yesterday morning I completely lost it! she was fussing with me...and she whopped me.. and i said it didn't hurt so she got the brush out and started hitting me with it..that didn't hurt but...It made me feel bad inside, and my hands just started hitting her as natural reflexes! I love my mama so dearly, she always gets me anything I want! She puts a roof over my head and put me in school. I'm only 13..and I just need some kind of way to apologize to my mama, I mean im NEVER gonna do it again! This isn't the first time it's happened though, it's like the 4th time... But...I asked God for forgiveness and i think my mama forgot all about it! I'm still worried that she's probably afraid of her own daughter :( I love my mama, and i regret everything i've done..who know's i might wake up one morning and find her not breathing. and i don't want that to happen. please if anybody has anyway for me to apologize to her please tell me! Thank you tons ...xxooxxoo

15th Birthday party ideas?

I had a rave party at our garage and it didnt cost too much; find a local dj to play for you, buy some glowsticks, and have a party :D

Gas leak, 1996 dodge neon?

1996 Dodge Neon. steady gas leak, basically emptying most of the tank in a few hours. The car wasn't used for about a year. We put about 5 gallons in an empty tank, and before I finished cleaning the windshield with the squeegee I noticed significant leaking around the center of the car. possibly closer to the back. Previous owners were doing minor work to the car. I'm wondering if they installed something incorrectly?? Could it be something as easy as a fuel filter?? *hoping* I just want to know some of the possible causes of this, and how difficult it might be to repair.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Strange smell in my bedroom?

I decorated my room about 2 months ago and i have also put a new radiator in and recently i can smell this strange smell i don't no what it smells of i fort it might of been the paint but it was a whole 2 months before the smell has come. Nothing changed in the bedroom it has been empty since i decorated. It has been hot were i live for about 2 weeks but the smell has only been there for about 3 days so what could it be?

I like my best friend?

i am girl and i am soooo in love with my best friend who is a girl. I think i am bi but i dont know for sure. I have invited her to come with me to my caravan fro my b-day in 3 weeks but we are going to be sleeping in a 2 man tent, wenever i see a pic of her or wenever she laughs i get the wierd feeling inside like we are s'possed to be 2gether. but she is straight and i dont wanna tell her that i luv her be4 she comes because she has already said that she is going to come with me!! i really luv her and i cant lose her. If u think i should tell her then what shud i say. She is like a sister to me and i dont wanna ruin our relationship please help me.

435lbs dieting need help...?

I have been overweight my whole life, I weigh a whopping 435lbs 5'8 26 y/o female. I'm scared of losing my life and I am dedicated to making a change. I know diets don't work, I need to change my lifestyle forever! My question is where to begin. How many carbs how much protein, how many calories. Its all so confusing for me because every site on the web has their own version.. I need help.. please guide me on the right direction..

Should my landlord reimburse part of my high electric bill(s)due to a broken water heater?

Did you document the date and time you notify the maintenance's man. Also do you have anything in writing? If not it will be hard for courts to get you reimbursed it is a 50 50 chances if you take it that far. Just type a letter advising of the history and let them know your electric bill has been high due to this. Request you are looking for reimbursement based on it. Also keep the documentation about it has been leaking and continue to save your electric bill since repair has been done to prove it has been water heater all along.

Does anybody know what the ship with the crane on is doing off Redcar Beach?

I've tried to find out by looking at the web site for our local council but to no avail. It has two little ships that keep going to and fro but we can't work out what it's there for.

"Employee" filing a claim for worker's compensation?

If he is here illegally, just call and report him. He needs to be deported. Don't let your Mom sign anything without a lawyer. She could just write out a signed and notarized paper stating that she never hired this man in any capacity.

Anyone here watched the original Dream Team play? Who would you give the team MVP to?

Probably Barkley due to the fact that he did put up the best stats in the Olympic games. I still like MJ better though but I would have to give the MVP to Barkley.

Why is Choo struggling big-time this season/Should I continue to start him?

Play him...he had personal issues...and I'm sure he wasn't ready to start the season..he has tremendous scope for improvement as last night's game indicated.

I have alight tingling on leftside of my face,covering left very healthy person,my blood pressure is /?

Am very healthy person, maintain excellent numbers, blood pressure 130/70, Do not take medication fro anything,am 67yrs.. Have been stressed out over Fam,issue..should I seek medical advice..or stay busy...

How to keep my hair from shrinking?

hey, im black and have a good length of hair. ive beem natural for a couple of years and i wanna know how can i keep my curls from shrinking and looking like a fro.

The Official National U.S. MISERY Index is Out, and Obama is OUT?

The latest Index for May has Obama at 13%, which is a whopping 62% higher than Bush, at the time Bush left Office. Historically, Jimmy Carter holds the Misery Record at 22% in June 1980. The All Time WINNER is the Deportation President who Executed two Democrats for Espionage, with the Soviet New York's Sing Sing Electric Chair. President Dwight Right Eisenhower Republican from Texas, is the All Time Least Miserable President, with a Misery Index of Only 3%. Must have been those Sexy Fifties Convertibles with that back seat cushion for the pushing, that led to the Anti Abortion Baby Boom. My Parents rarely saw any movie at those drive in movies, in the back seat of their 1957 Eisenhower Oldsmobile. Keep that Olds a Rockin..with Rock Hudson and Dorris Day. Need Shock Absorbers Dems? Tires a little under inflated with Obama's Hot Air ?

Did the PS3 erased my flashdrives memory?

I put my flash drive into the ps3 (slim) to put some music on. Then I took it out to modify the way the PS3 recognizes the music files on my PC, but when I put them on my PC, ALL my files were gone. It says that the file is empty, but it still shows that I have used space on the flash drive. I have windows 7, my flash was fine the whole day and I did take it out properly before putting it onto my PS3. Is there a way to get my files back or a reason why this happened. My PS3 is fairly new as well, I got it just the other day!

Should i Purchase the Mizuno MP 60's?

I'm in need of new irons right now i am using a set of Callaway X-16 irons which are very forgiving but my game has progressed and i need a set of more workable irons for the varsity team next year. I have a friend who got a set of Mizuno MP-60 irons that he couldn't hit and he wants to sell them to me fro 200 i am a 9 handicap who shoots in the low 80's to high 70's... give me your input on the situation and possibly other irons that are under 250$ that are worth buying.

What are the opinions of American girls regarding English boys?

What do they think of English boys? and also where in USA do these opinions come from? do they differ when going fro north to south to east to west? Thanks everyone.

Please review our baby names list! We're expecting our second child. Please help us?

You know, I really feel sorry for your children Has it ever occurred to you that just because you love weird and Greek names doesn't mean your unfortunate children will?

Can I bring an empty zippo lighter into Australia?

I'm going to Bali in a couple of days and I want to bring back a zippo lighter. Firstly, how will I know if it's empty and if it's full, how can i empty it? And Secondly, can I bring it into Australia?

What would you do if u met a talking fox?

What would you do if u met a talking fox who always loved doing pranks on his friends. So u met him at a park. You played with him and he said ur my new best friend. Come to my hideout spot known as my house make sure u have a empty stomach. So for dinner he made a soup that was very tasty. But it was on a flat bowl sooo flat only a fox could go down and lick the soup off the bowl. And you couldn't because u was too tall and you noticed he did a prank on you. What would you do? How will you claim your revenge?

Why am I getting faster speeds from servers further away from me?

So I was fooling around in the Speed Test app for android. While checking my current speeds from the server in Morristown, TN (the closest to my actual city: Knoxville, TN), it clocked me at about 2.80mbps download/ 0.79 upload. Knowing this wasn't correct, I switched the server in the settings of the app to Nashville, TN. That shot me up to the speed it feels like I'm actually at: 9.98mbps download/ 6.67 upload. However, I switched it to one up in Michigan (just messing around, of course) and got a whopping 14.69mbps dl/ 10.19 up.. Why is it doing this? Is there a way I can actually change my server? I'd like to pull those high speeds. I'm on a MyTouch 4G.

Throat hurts what could i be sick with this time? 10 easy points?

Sounds like strep throat. It is unfortunate than you are being plagued by so many illnesses. I hope you are brushing and flossing regularly :)

How do i add itunes music to windows movie maker?

okay so i press import audio/music then i go to the itunes folder, click on the singer then the almbum pops up, i click on that but then it says somthing like this folder is empty! HELP ASAP my computer is a dell laptop

Is this a good trade for cars? 97 honda passport trading for a 97 nissan sentra?

I recently bought a honda passport 97 it has about 158,000 miles on it and runs pretty nicely, im going to trade for a 97 nissan sentra with about the same miles that also runs pretty nicely, im trying to get rid of my passport since i get a whole whopping 18mpg, i have no idea how nissan sentras are though, will this car be reliable? atleast for another year then i could just buy another beater?

Can you comment on my essay please?

A Roman general brought peace to a rebellious province by killing all its citizens even his fellow Romans were shocked. One of them wrote, "In Latin (Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant) which means they create desolation and call it peace. Yemeni government implement the same ideology on the citizens of Yemen, but in this case not the rebellious, are revolutionists. Yesterday, an elderly woman knocked my door; she was asking for money in order to by shroud for her son, not food. She could not brie her son, and Yemenis face an abject poverty. Like that look in a mother's eyes when she can't feed her kids.

Is college worth the money?

Is college worth the money? I recently sent in my deposit to go to Cornell next year. My parents didn't qualify for financial aid (even though we are not "rolling in it" in any way) so we will be eating the whopping $57,000 a year. They have saved up close to $80,000 and I will be living off campus all four years to save money. Anyway, right now I am enrolled in the engineering school but I am thinking of applying for an internal transfer after my first semester there. I want to transfer to the college of arts and sciences (it is pretty easy to get an internal transfer as long as you have a C or higher in all your classes). My first plan was to major in either mechanical or chemical engineering with a premed track and then go to med school (the engineering was a back up plan and I'm pretty sure I would enjoy studying engineering). Anyway, Cornell engineering is really tough (lots of grad deflation) and I realized that I probably would not be able to get a good enough GPA to go to medical school if I study engineering. Anyway, so I am planning on a major in math with a concentration in physics and computer science. It is still a tough major but from looking at all the median grades (Cornell posts these on the website) it is feasible to achieve a good enough GPA for med school, and this still leaves the door open to go to grad school for engineering if med school doesn't work out. Okay that was long, but is going to college worth the money? I understand why it may not be worth it if you are majoring in say... sociology or creative writing or something like that, but is it worth it for what I am doing? I am nervous about the $228,000 cost. I am doing everything I can to keep the cost down (scholarships, work, ect) but I keep hearing how college is just not worth the money these days. What do you guys think?

Best advice on forgetting about love?

Focus on other things in your life, go out with friends, study something you are interested in, take up a hobby and fill your life with the things that make you happy. This is a cliche, but when you stop looking for love, that's when it can emerge.

How do I COMPLETELY delete browsing history from my Address Bar?

Thats really odd... I wouldn't even use IE it sucks, its an unsafe browser... try downloading mozilla firefox or Opera OR Google Chrome to see if its still having this problem... I also recommend using one of those just cause their actually faster and better... and more user friendly...

I cant get wordpress to take up the whole page, why?

Hi, I'm trying to eliminate the margins at the sides of my website that i made using wordpress but whatever i try, the empty margins on right and left there any solution for it. my website is:

Hopeless.. Hurting.. I need some help..?

I have experienced this same situation with minor differences. My parents are divorced and I'm always home alone so it was hard to want to do anything. I also don't have a ton of friends and school was stressful with advanced courses and sports. The way I got over things was trying to feel good about myself again. I tried to get in better shape, do better in school, and be closer to the friends I had. Slowly, I stopped feeling as depressed. You said that you want to study art and music, start doing hobbies that you enjoy and relate to your future. I know, this probably sucks to hear, but you need to make your new future, without this person.

Why does world of warcraft need to dowload 8.1 gb in patch?

So I bought the WoW battle chest today under the impression that I needed to just install and play the game. After installing the game and the expansion it then had to update from version 3.0.3 to 4.0.0. Next it had to go from 4.0.0 to Now its telling me it has to do some sort of Cataclysm patch (regardless of the fact that I don't own Cataclysm) which is a whopping 8.1 gb! Is this normal or can I just play the game. If its normal im pissed cuz it'll take now till christmas to download 8.1 gb through my at&t dsl. plz help.

1991 buick suddenly stalls when warmed up!?

sounds like something is getting too hot. it should be like my oldsmobile with a coil pack sitting on the module. check the plug-in on the module to make sure it,s not corroded or loose. does it stall while your driving or just sitting still? it could be the pump relay sticking and shutting down the pump. another thing it could be is the ignition switch going bad.

Wher can I find this song?

I saw it on 106&park this week. It was a kid and the o ly part tat I can remember fro. The lyrics is " no u ain't got nothin on me". I don't kno his nMe at all. The video is about him having a dance battle with him self. Does any one kno wat I'm talkin about.

Friday, August 5, 2011

How was Kobe not a sidekick to Shaq?

He was shaq's sidekick but kobe homers ignore that. They overcredit kobe at times which is laughable, the lakers were a great voerall team with shaq as the leader then kobe as the 2nd guy. Most kobe fans are troll fan boys that didn't even watch the shaq-kobe lakers and see how badly this was shaq's team. And you can take that to the bank...

Pregnant and this normal? help?

i been feeling really constipated lately. but the part that worries me is that i feel funny is da morning right above my belly button in my stomach i feel like its real empty inside and alot of gass but it does hurt like a stomach ache. and in my abdomen i have period like cramps on and off and on my left side i get pitchin/period like cramping but just in the morning. i feel so bloated and fat. is this normal bc i dont think constipation would come with cramping and stomach aches.

Do we want more of this? Is this a symptom of the mortal decay that is taking place?

Moral decay?? Seems to me you're giving examples of corporate greed and the aftermath of allowing financial institutions to artificially pump up profits at the expense of the little guy. I thought the Religious Right thought unfettered capitalism was godly and good.

Turtles suitable for a 50 gallon tank?

I have a fifty gallon tank that has empty for a few years. Recently my mother has been talking about getting more turtles.( I currently have a male Malayan box turtle that is mostly aquatic.) We're looking for a turtle or two that can live happily in a 50 gallon, whether they're aquatic or land turtles. Thanks.

I want to buy a tv but am not sure how to fix it or if its a good deal help please.?

not relay if it was fixable he would of fixed it himself and sold it for a Higher price and if its not a problem that can be fixed you will get stuck with a broken tv and you just gave him 100$ for nothing

Can someone give me tips on losing weight?

I have been saving up for a pair of jeans from Buckle that are a whopping $100.00! Outrageous, I know. But I've been wanting and saving for them for such a long time. Here's the dilemma, I would like to lose some weight in my legs so I look my best in this pair of jeans. These jeans are kind of my "reward" for losing weight. The main areas in which I need to lose weight is my butt and thigh area. Any tips or suggestions would help. Thanks (:

What's the best way to go with an ocarina?

I want to get a Zelda style ocarina, preferably one that looks like the ocarina of time (noduh). I know it should be ceramic or wood because anything else has horrible sound quality. But the only one I've found on Ebay is $40 and only has 6 holes, which takes away the ocarina of time look. I also saw an awesome one that looked exactly like the OoT, but it cost a whopping $400! So I'd like one around $30 that looks more like the OoT; mostly painted holes is probably what I'd want, just to make it easier to play. What's the best site to get it from?

What's this old movie called?

when i was around 7 years old i remember watching this movie where people went back (and maybe foward) in time and there were also flying meatball-like creatures in it. i dont remember their purpose but they were big creatures and they could eat through steel and stuff. when those people were traveling in time, the world was completely empty from people so they could go inside the stores and stuff and take whatever they wanted. oh, and i think the film also had something to do with airplanes

Men & women, I need your help...What's my problem?

Maybe you're looking in the wrong places, don't want to date a larger woman? Try talking to some people in the gym, join a fitness class. Find someone who has similar interests as you. As for being let down, it could come down to sheer bad luck or perhaps you do something wrong each time, Seeing as the want to be 'buddies' ask one of them perhaps? in a non-awkward way. After a divorce it will take a while to get back into the dating scene, and times may have changed since you first started dating? Good luck anyway!


First, you need to get your metabolism up. The easiest way to do that is start small, as you want and if you have to just do sit-ups for five minutes a day for a week straight! Make time!! Its better, if you do it right before you go to bed. At the same time, the way i have helped a couple of my lady friends, you can eat what you want, just watch how "much" you consume! The approach you want to take is to turn the fat into fuel for muscles, so during the second week you want to increase you sit-ups to 10 minutes and try to twist your body slightly as you do. It would take me like "like" forever give you a whole program to do, but that is a start. But most important..... DON'T let your medical issues, be an excuse to be unhealthy! I too have health issues, but it doesn't mean i have to let myself go or down myself! Don't go out and buy a bunch of health books either, just get some information on getting healthier and someone to help support you, i'm sure you be alright, good luck and take care!!

Are DVD/CD Lens Cleaners supposed to have a movie loaded into it?

I bought a DVD lens cleaner disk and when I insert it into my computer, a movie plays. I thought it was only going to show a screen saying that it was cleaning. The movie that plays it's called the Big Empty.

How many kilos will i lose if..?

So how many kilos will i probably lose if i only drink lipton linea fro 20 days and exercise for an hour?

How to slim my fat cat down!?

we have a fat cat named bob who ways about the same he has been that much 4 about a year now, this is cuz we took him to the vet they said that is ok as long as he doesnt gain anymore (or at least TO much more) this can lead to high blood or diabeties so if she gains over 2 pounds in the next couple months take her to the vat and talk to them about it ;)

How to get my rims back (bmx-wise)?

me and my friend traded bike rims and 2 days after we traded he and everyone else was saying i was stupid he said they were whopped* kinda and didnt tell me when we traded and also he told me i was going to never going to get them back btw im a teen just in case i dont want to get the police or parents involved because i dont want to be labeled as the neighborhood snitch.. but plz how can i get them back

Is the soap opera now an endangered species?

A whopping THREE soaps ("Guiding Light", "All My Children", and "One Life to Live") have been put on the chopping block. Are all other soaps going to go the way of the dinosaur?

I m on yahoo mobile receiving text fro?

text from philippines thru ym. is there any charge hor me if i texted them back.if there is? how do i cancel this this app. thanks

How come i cant break out of this depression.....?

I know i should be happy because im pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy, babys father walked out on me almost 4 weeks ago and ever sense i cant smile or even think about being happy i feel alone and empty...almost like im alive but not living people r judging me and talking about me now like saying im need to suck it up and stuff i dont need to hear that from anyone unless they have been in my position how can they say anything?...i just dont know what too do,how could he just leave me with his child goes to show how things are these days.

HELP!2 Month Old has 15 plus diapers a day?

My now two month old son goes through 15-20 diapers a day!it has lowly gotten to be more and more each week he grows. Now he has only one or two poos a day, healthy looking formula fed poops. but every time he even barely tinkles in his nappy he demands to be changed. I kept count yesterday and there was a whopping total of 17 from 8am-11pm. Some are heavily soiled and some barely had any pee at all (you can hardly tell its been used) but either way this seems like alot!!His doctors appt is next tuesday is it okay to wait until then and ask the doctor?Someone told me something is terribly wrong with him using so many diapers and im so worried now.We don't have much money and its hard for us to buy diapers as often as we do for him, and there are no charities or diaper banks in our area of Florida (Melbourne/Orlando) that have diaper help unfortunately. someone please reply with your story or advice!thank you all :)